Weyermann® CaraRed®

The beer color is intensified and can develop into an orange-red shine.
Thanks to our special manufacturing process this malt develops its typical aroma which serves to intensify and stabilize the taste profile in various beers.
For a deep red beer, we recommend a combination of Carared® with Melanoidin malt.
Caramel malt for reddish beer styles, typically:

  • Amber Lager; Vienna Lager, Franconian Rotbier
  • Bock; Helles Bock
  • Pale Ale; American Pale Ale
  • IPA; Red IPA, Double IPA
  • Amber Ale; Ordinary Bitter, Scottish Light, Irish Red Ale, American Red Ale, English Pale Mild Ale
  • Brown Ale; Dark Mild, London Brown Ale
  • Strong Ale; Imperial Red Ale
  • Porter; Baltic Porter
  • Wheat Beer; Weissbier, Smoked Wheat beer, Bernsteinfarbenes Weissbier
  • Sour Ale; Flanders Red Ale

Sensory: malty-sweet with notes of caramel, honey and pastry.

4.43 50.51 

Beer Styles
Caramel malt for reddish beer styles.
Malty-sweet with notes of caramel, honey and pastry.
Up to 25%
Moisture content 0 9
Lovibond 15.5 23.1
Colour °EBC 40.0 Min 60.0 Max