Weyermann® Special W®

This dark brown malt offers the most complex aroma spectrum of all Weyermann® caramel malts.
Made from the finest German quality brewing barley. Our special caramelization process achieves a complete transformation within the grain

  • Pilsener; Bohemian Pilsener
  • Amber Lager; Czech Amber Lager
  • Dark Lager; Czech Dark Lager
  • Strong Lager; Bock
  • IPA; Brown IPA
  • Porter; English Porter
  • Stout; Foreign Extra Stout
  • Strong Ale; Old Ale, American Strong Ale, Barley wine

Sensory: notes of raisins, dark caramel, pronounced aromas of nuts, pastries and bread.

4.59 52.28 

Beer Styles
A dark brown, caramelized malt from top-quality barley.
Notes of raisins, dark caramel, pronounced aromas of nuts, pastries and bread
Up to 30%
Moisture content 0 6.5
Lovibond 106.0 121.1
Colour °EBC 280.0 Min 320.0 Max