Lallemand Yeastlife O™ (2kg)

AB Vickers YeastLife O™ is the result of an intensive Research & Development work on brewing process with attention to the yeast nutritional aspect of high sugar/low nutrient based fermented beverages including hard seltzer.

Composed of 100% yeast derived ingredients, so nutrients are balanced and bioavailable for yeast metabolism. It does not contain mineral salts or
inorganic sources of vitamins or nitrogen (such as DAP or urea). Organic nutrition from AB Vickers YeastLife O™ promotes cleaner fermentations compared to inorganic
nutrition that may lead to off flavors due to rapid yeast growth. AB Vickers YeastLife O™ is gluten-free.

Technical Data Sheet

71.18  (65.00  tax excluded)

Availability: In Stock
Benefits Pure sugar fermentations, ensures rapid fermentation with high attenuation, clean and consistent fermentations
Brewing Practice For brewing hard seltzer, we recommend using AB Vickers Yeastlife O™ in combination with LalBrew CBC-1™ yeast for optimum results.
Hard SeltzeR Best practice
  • 250g/hL for high gravity, pure sugar fermentations (>20’P)
  • 150-250g/hL for standard sugar fermentations (10-20’P)
  • 30-50g/hL for standard wort
Application Add AB Vickers YeastLife O™ to the kettle at end of boil, or dissolve in water prior to dosing in-line during transfer to the fermenter.