Weyermann® Munich Malt Type 1

The rich malt aroma and color of the malt are perfect for malt-forward and deeper color beer styles.
Made from the finest German quality brewing barley.

  • Pale Lager; India Pale Lager
  • Amber Lager; International Amber Lager, Czech Amber Lager, Bamberger Maerzen, Rauchbier
  • Dark Lager; Munich Dunkel, Braunbier
  • Bock; Dark Double Bock
  • Strong Lager; Imperial Pilsener
  • Wheat Beer; Dark Wheat, Wheat Bock, German Rye beer
  • Pale Ale; Belgian Pale Ale
  • Amber Ale; Altbier
  • IPA; American IPA, Brown IPA
  • Strong Ale; Imperial Red Ale

Sensory: pronounced malt aroma with notes of caramel, honey and bread

3.64 41.46 

Beer Styles
Special brew malt for light and dark beer styles.
Pronounced malt aroma with notes of caramel, honey and bread.
Up to 100%
Moisture content 0 4.5
Lovibond 5.0 7.2
Colour °EBC 12.0 Min 18.0 Max